News > Giving back > Tom Chaplin & Matt Lucas with Baked Potato

Tom Chaplin & Matt Lucas with Baked Potato

Thank You Baked Potato #FeedNHS
20 Jul 2020
Giving back
Tom Chaplin (HS 92-97) features in Matt Lucas' Baked Potato song which has been a hit over the past 4 months, in a final song to thank all NHS workers and those who have donated to FeedNHS.

The song was set up to bring awareness to the FeedNHS workers campaign. This helps ensure that NHS staff who have been working around the clock during the past few months of the pandemic, are fed a nutritional meal a day.

FeedNHS have raised over £1.6 million to bring hot nutritious meals in 59 different hospitals around the country to NHS staff, who may not have had the ability to cook or make themselves food for their shift.

Although the campaign is coming to a close you can read more about it and still donate at:

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