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Tonbridge School Music

Mark Forkgen shares a summary of the Music Department's busy Michaelmas Term.
6 Jan 2023
School News
December Concert Rehearsal
December Concert Rehearsal

As ever, the Michaelmas Term was a busy one for the Music Department. Chapel Music has been at the forefront of the school’s important events – commemorating the life of Queen Elizabeth II, Remembrance Sunday and, of course, the carol services. The annual House Music Competition was probably the most consistent in recent memory with Manor House winning the House Cup and other prizes awarded to Ferox Hall and Cowdrey House. Over half term we were delighted to welcome eighteen new pianos on lease as part of our All-Steinway School status. The two new grands in the Recital Room were duly put through their paces by David Williams and Mark Forkgen, playing a two-piano version of Beethoven’s Symphony No.7, in this term’s Allan Bunney Concert. November also saw an innovative production of Les Misérables in collaboration with the Drama Department and the Lower School Concert in Chapel, featuring Concert Band, Junior Strings and School Orchestra.

One innovation this term was a new informal student recital series in various venues around the school, featuring Tonbridge boys and external musicians. This has been conceived and organised by Nick Samuel WH5 in his role as Head of School Music.

However, the highlight of the term has to be Symphony Orchestra’s mesmerising performance of Mahler’s Symphony No.4 in Chapel at the beginning of December. A complete Mahler symphony played with such musical, technical and emotional maturity was a fitting demonstration of the hard work that goes into every performance.

Mark Forkgen


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